IFPMA @DIA Euro 2018

17 - 19 April 2018 Basel

17 - 19 April 2018




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IFPMA will be joining the 30th edition of the DIA Europe 2018. This year, we will come along our experts to give our takes in the Good Manufacturing Practices, Life Cycle Management of a Product, International Conference on Harmonization ICH sessions and many more. DIA Europe 2018 will give us an opportunity to learn about different initiatives, engage with our stakeholders, and give our perspectives in healthcare.

Join us @DIA Europe!

For more: http://www.diaglobal.org/en/flagship/euromeeting/about/conference


IFPMA Speaker

09:00-10:30 (17th April)
Towards Access 2030: How Can Strengthening Of Regulatory Systems Contribute? – Thomas Cueni, Director General, IFPMA, Switzerland

IFPMA Speaker

08:30-10:00 (19th April)
The New Role of IFPMA in ICH – Sarah Adam, Manager, Regulatory Affairs, IFPMA, Switzerland


Tomas Cueni Director General, IFPMA, Switzerland

Thomas B. Cueni is Director General of IFPMA since 1 February 2017. Prior to joining IFPMA he was Secretary General of Interpharma, the association of pharmaceutical research companies in Switzerland. For many years Thomas Cueni has been involved in the work of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, EFPIA, where he most recently served as Vice-Chair of the European Markets Committee and association representative on the Board. He represented the industry on the EU High Level Pharmaceutical Forum, was Chairman of EFPIA’s Economic and Social Policy Committee and Chairman of the EFPIA Task Force on the EU Commission’s Pharmaceutical Sector Inquiry. Thomas Cueni also represented Interpharma, which he successfully transformed from the association of Swiss Rx companies to the association of pharmaceutical research companies in Switzerland, on the Council of IFPMA.
Prior to his appointment with Interpharma, Thomas Cueni had a career as a journalist, inter alia as London correspondent for the “Basler Zeitung” and “Der Bund”, and he served as a Swiss career diplomat with postings in Paris (OECD) and Vienna (IAEA, UNIDO). He studied at the University of Basle, the London School of Economics, and the Geneva Graduate Institute for International Studies, and has Master degrees in economics (University of Basel) and politics (London School of Economics, LSE).

Sarah Adam Manager, Regulatory Affairs, IFPMA, Switzerland

Sarah Adam joined the IFPMA in November 2016 and is responsible for leading and coordinating IFPMA activities related to Regulatory Policy and Technical Standards, which includes interactions with key stakeholders and regional organisations involved in pharmaceutical regulatory policy.

Sarah worked for the past 8 years as a Manager for the International Council for Harmonisation (ICH), supporting the harmonisation of ICH technical Guidelines and requirements for pharmaceutical product registration.

Prior to this, she dedicated over 10 years of research in academia in the field of pulmonary disease preclinical drug testing and vaccine development. Sarah was an appointed lecturer at the School of Pharmacy at the University of Geneva, she holds a PhD degree in Molecular Biology and an Engineering degree in Biotechnology.


Supporting documents
