10th Asia Regulatory Conference

3 - 6 November 2020 Malaysia

3 - 6 November 2020


08:30 to 10:30




This event has now passed. To browse our upcoming events click here.

The Asia Regulatory Conference (ARC), hosted by the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA), has been acknowledged for over a decade as a key Asian regulatory platform to exchange opinions and/or seek recommendations on the regulatory environment in Asia.

We are pleased to inform the 10th ARC: building trust & partnership to deliver UHC in Asia as a virtual conference to stimulate debate on capacity building and recent advancements in this region focused on regulatory reliance and collaboration.

These series of webinars will be held in collaboration with Pharmaceutical Association of Malaysia (PhAMA) as a co-host and engagement from the NPRA.  Speakers, panelists and participants are invited from the NRAs in Asia and other regions as well as international organizations and the pharmaceutical industry.

Programme and list of speakers can be accessed at https://arc.ifpma.org/



10th Asia Regulatory Conference – Website
