Video 30 November 2021

Our Ethos in Action – Video message from Rady Johnson


IFPMA has developed a Five-Phase Decision-Making Framework, grounded in the IFPMA Ethos or value system, to help companies make decisions that balance business objectives and ethical considerations to meet patient needs and the expectations of the medical community, regulators, and society.

The DMF Toolkit provides a suite of customizable materials to support organizations in putting the IFPMA ethical foundation into action.

This Toolkit has four parts:

  • The Decision-Making Framework: a principles-based, 5-step decision-making approach
  • A comprehensive background guide to the Decision-Making Framework
  • A customizable presentation deck
  • An accompanying guide to support business leaders These materials build on one another to support ethical decision making — especially for complex, ambiguous or novel circumstances – enhancing proactive risk management, business engagement and accountability, and fostering a culture of integrity.

Thank you for using these materials to put the Ethos into action!


Our Ethos in Action Toolkit