3rd African Regulatory Conference (ARC) – Partnering for earlier access to good quality medicines in Africa
3 - 4 May 2012
La Palm Beach Hotel, Accra, Ghana
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The third DIA African Regulatory Conference (ARC) 2012 was co-organised by the DIA and the IFPMA Africa Regulatory Network (ARN). The conference held in Accra, Ghana, on 3-4 May, assembled leading African regulatory authorities and the pharmaceutical industry.
The ARC presented the opportunity for key stakeholders active on the continent, including representatives from Ministry of Health, local and multinational pharmaceutical companies, to converge and exchange views, discuss topics of interest and identify focus areas for on-going efforts to increase patient access to quality medicines. It offered the opportunity to:
Provide a platform to foster collaboration between African regulatory authorities and the pharmaceutical industry;
Share information and best practices;
Openly discuss issues facing African regulatory authorities and industry;
Presentations were given by regional and international speakers, including African RECs, WHO and EMA.
“Hot Topics” included:
African Medicines Registration Harmonization (AMRH)
Transparency/Good regulatory practices
Dossier evaluation
> For more information, contact IFPMA secretariat admin(at)ifpma.org