IFPMA at the Geneva Health Forum 2012
18 - 20 April 2012
hh:mm to hh:mm
CICG Geneva
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On 18-20 April, the fourth Geneva Health Forum will take place. Held every two years, the international Geneva Health Forum is an innovative interactive conference where policymakers, fieldworkers and frontliners meet and discuss health issues. It is led by the University Hospitals of Geneva and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva
This year’s theme is “A Critical Shift to Chronic Conditions: Learning from the Frontliners” and IFPMA is a sponsor. Among the activities will be an IFPMA luncheon where key initiatives tied to the prevention and management of chronic conditions will be presented.
Lunch Session on NCD
Prevention and Management –
Pragmatic Solutions with Impact:
A panel of experts will illustrate how NCD prevention and management
can be enhanced by pragmatic thinking across disease silos and leveraging
new easily implementable tools.
Reducing Influenza’s Impact on People with Chronic Conditions
NCD Health
Improvement Card
Improving Access to Medicines for NCDs in the Developing World