IFPMA-FIP Morning talk on influenza vaccination 27 April 2017


27 April 2017


10:00 to 12:00




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Immunization not only saves lives; it also helps unlock the
potential of a community to live healthier and more fulfilling,
productive lives. Globally, seasonal influenza – or flu – results in
about 5 million severe cases and 500,000 annual deaths each
year; according to WHO, immunization can reduce influenzarelated
morbidity by 60% and mortality by up to 80%.


10:00 – 11:15

Session 1: A Smart Dose of Prevention – How to
Improve Flu Vaccine Uptake for At-Risk Groups?
Panel session with Luc Besançon (FIP), Matthew
Downham (IFPMA), Jane Barratt (International
Federation on Ageing), Erica Ehrhardt (International
Council of Nurses), Wenqing Zhang (World
Health Organization)

11:15 - 12:00

Session 2: Workplace – Why Fighting the Flu
Should be Everybody’s Business?
Discussion with Otmar Kloiber (World Medical
Association), Luc Besançon (FIP), Matthew Downham

12:00 - 12:30

Apéro Lunch


Luc Besançon Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Luc Besançon is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) which is the global federation gathering 139 national associations of pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists. Luc completed his Doctorat d’État en Pharmacie (PharmD) in 2004 further to an education in France (Université de Bourgogne) and Canada (Université Laval). He also completed a Master’s Degree in Communication (major in European Public Relations) at Paris V – La Sorbonne in 2003.
In 2008, Luc moved to the Netherlands to join FIP as a lead in Professional and Scientific Affairs. Prior to this, he had spent five years working as a Pharmaceutical and International Affairs advisor at the Ordre National des Pharmaciens, the French body in charge of pharmacist regulation.
@besanconluc and @FIP_org ‏

Matthew Downham Associate Director, Flu Manufacturing Sciences & Technology, AstraZeneca/MedImmune

Dr Downham studied for a bachelor of sciences degree (with honours) in industrial biology at London South Bank Polytechnic (UK) which included a placement with Boehringer Mannheim, now Roche (Germany). He then completed a PhD in biochemical engineering (Birmingham University, UK), a post-doctoral fellowship in bio-molecular sciences (Liverpool John Moores University, UK) and a post-graduate certificate in further/higher education (Bolton Institute, UK).
He joined the biopharmaceutical industry in 1997 and has worked for Protherics (UK), Bavarian Nordic (Germany), Morphosys (Germany) and Novartis Vaccines & Diagnostics (Italy). Throughout this time Dr Downham worked on preclinical and early clinical development of vaccine, antibody or enzyme therapies for infectious, hypertension, inflammatory and oncology indications. He was a certified European Registered Toxicologist (2010-2015) and has co-authored 29 publications/abstracts and 3 international patents.
Dr Downham joined the influenza vaccine franchise of AstraZeneca/Medimmune (UK) in February 2013 as an Associate Director, Flu Manufacturing Sciences & Technology within the Biopharmaceutical Development (R&D) department.

Otmar Kloiber Secretary General, the World Medical Association (WMA)

Dr Otmar Kloiber was appointed as Secretary General of the World Medical Association in February 2005. Before joining the WMA, Dr Kloiber served as Deputy Secretary General of the German Medical Association. As WMA Secretary General, he is the head of its Secretariat and is responsible for managing and directing the WMA staff and the activities of the WMA. He provides overall leadership and strategic direction to the organisation and represents the WMA to the Association’s members, the medical profession, the international community, representatives of government, the business community, and the public.


Claire Doole Moderator, Former BBC correspondent, communications trainer and content producer

Claire Doole is a former BBC journalist and international spokeswoman who is passionate about helping people communicate with confidence.

Since 2006, she has successfully trained hundreds of professionals in the art of presenting and public speaking, talking to the media, managing communications in a crisis, moderating panel discussions and effective writing. In addition, she has coached C-level executives and public figures to give powerful TEDx and TED style talks in Europe and the Middle East. In her training and coaching, Claire is committed to helping her clients gain powerful communication skills

Claire is also an accomplished content creator. She has produced hundreds of videos and video interviews for websites, social media platforms, events and conferences. She has written numerous articles for international organisations and her blogs appear on several Geneva and Brussels-based media outlets.


Sarah Clark Graphic recorder, Clear Thinking–Clear Communication

An independent consultant, facilitator and trainer, Sarah Clark supports clients in both public and private sectors in thinking and communicating clearly about what matters to them and in working together effectively. She uses visual thinking tools and graphic facilitation to connect people, share ideas, and create space for dialogue and insight.

Jane Barratt Secretary General, International Federation on Ageing (IFA)

Dr Barratt is the Secretary General, International Federation on Ageing (IFA) comprising government, industry, academia and NGOs in 73 countries, representing some 65 million older people. The IFA is a global point of connection of experts and expertise to help shape and influence age-related policy globally.
She has responsibility for the IFAs global operational performance, quality and strategic implementation and business development including representation at the United Nations in New York, Geneva and Vienna and the formal relations with the Ageing and Life Course Department of the World Health Organization.
Jane has many national and international roles including Chair, Standing Selection Committee of the Canadian National Centers of Excellence, former member of the Global Agenda Council on Ageing of the World Economic Forum and advisor to national and international boards in both public and private sectors in the context of older people and healthy ageing.

Erica Ehrhardt Registered Nurse, International Council of Nurses (ICN)

Erica Ehrhardt is a Registered Nurse with previous experience in both clinical and policy settings. Erica completed her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (University of Ottawa) and went on to focus on public health with a MSc Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. As an analyst for nursing and health policy at the International Council of Nurses, Erica works to deliver empirical-based nursing perspectives on a wide range of issues and to influence and impact clinical care, nursing professional practice, healthcare workforce development, and nursing regulation and education.
Her past work included occupational health nursing for humanitarian healthcare workers and public health nursing focusing on communicable disease prevention and control, health promotion and working with vulnerable populations using a harm reduction approach.


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