Risk-based investments in regulatory systems: A global call to action
14 October 2018
08:30 to 10:30
Room Ehrlich, Park Inn by Radisson Berlin Alexanderplatz Hotel, Alexanderplatz 7, Berlin 10178 Germany
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IFPMA is proud to be co-hosting the event together with US Pharmacopeia, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Ensuring patient access to quality-assured medicines in support of achieving universal health coverage, decreasing antimicrobial resistance and combatting diseases such as TB, HIV, and malaria
One third of the world’s population lacks sustainable and timely access to quality-assured medicine. This global problem undermines the treatment of diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, and HIV/AIDS, and contributes to antimicrobial resistance (AMR), with the greatest risk in low- and middle-income countries. In collaboration with NRAs, donors, multilateral organizations, non-governmental entities, academia, and the private sector, the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) recently published a peer-reviewed journal article, identifying investment priorities for sustainably strengthening medical product regulatory systems over the next decade.
Please join us for a cross-sector panel discussion convened by USP to discuss the challenges and opportunities to strengthen systems and ensure access to quality medicines. Breakfast and registration will begin at 8:30 a.m.
Featured Experts:
David Jefferys, Senior Vice President, Global Regulatory, Public Affairs and Product Safety, Eisai Europe Ltd., on behalf of International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufactures & Associates
Murray Lumpkin, Deputy Director for Integrated Development/Lead for Global Regulatory Systems Initiatives at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Rosanna Peeling, Professor and Chair of Diagnostics Research and Director of the International Diagnostics Centre at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Hiiti Sillo, Group Lead, County Regulatory Strengthening, RSS, World Health Organization
Closing Remarks:
Souly Phanouvong, USP Director, Global Public Health – Asia