United Nations NCD Review

10 - 11 July 2014 UN General Assembly Hall

10 - 11 July 2014


10:00 to 17:00


UN General Assembly Hall


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The United Nations General Assembly convenes a high-level meeting to undertake a comprehensive review and assessment on the prevention and control of NCDs on 10 and 11 July 2014 in New York.

The high-level meeting will take stock of the progress made in implementing the commitments in the 2011 Political Declaration on NCDs, identify and address gaps and reaffirm the political commitment in response to the challenge of NCDs.

The meeting will include formal plenary meetings to be held on 10 July in the UN General Assembly Hall and two consecutive round tables to be held on 11 July in the UN Trusteeship Council Chamber on the following themes:

Round table 1, 10:00-13:00
Strengthening national and regional capacities, including health systems, and effective multisectoral and whole-of-government responses for the prevention and control, including monitoring, of NCDs.
Round table 2, 15:00-17:00
Fostering and strengthening national, regional and international partnerships and cooperation in support of efforts to address non-communicable diseases
The IFPMA has been invited to participate to the interactive discussion on international partnerships and will present remarks on the theme: Fostering and strengthening national, regional and international partnerships and cooperation in support of efforts to address non-communicable diseases.


10:00 – 10:50

Opening Session (Plenary Meeting)
• H.E. Mr. John W. Ashe, President of the General Assembly
• H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary-General
• Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization
• Ms. Helen Clark, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme
• Professor Tezer Kutluk, Professor of Pediatrics, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine & Hacettepe University Cancer Institute and President-elect Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) [Civil Society Representative]
Venue: General Assembly Hall (North Lawn Building)

10:55 – 13:00

General Debate
Venue: General Assembly Hall (North Lawn Building)

15:00 – 18:00

General Debate
Venue: General Assembly Hall (North Lawn Building)

10:00 – 13:00

Roundtable 1:
Strengthening national and regional capacities, including health systems, and effective multisectoral and whole-of-government responses for the prevention and control, including monitoring, of non-communicable diseases
Chair: The Hon. Dr. Fenton Ferguson, Minister of Health, Jamaica
• Mr. Tonio Borg, Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy, European Union
• Dr. Anna Lartey, Director, Nutrition Division, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
• Dr. Vash Mungal-Singh, CEO, Heart and Stroke Foundation, South Africa
• Dr. Sandeep Kishore, Chair, Young Professional Chronic Disease Network (YP-CDN); Physician, Yale School of Medicine
Venue: Trusteeship Council Chamber

15:00 – 17:00

Roundtable 2:
Fostering and strengthening national, regional and international partnerships and cooperation in support of efforts to address non-communicable diseases
Chair: Dr. Howard Koh, Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, United States
• Dr. Lochan Naidoo, President of the International Narcotic Control Board, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
• Dr. Sania Nishtar, Founder, Heartfile, Pakistan
• Mr. Mario Ottiglio, Director, Public Affairs and Global Health Policy, International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA)
Venue: Trusteeship Council Chamber

17:00 – 18:00

Closing Session (Plenary Meeting)
• Chair’s summary of Roundtable 1
• Chair’s summary of Roundtable 2
• Adoption of Outcome Document
Venue: Trusteeship Council Chamber
