Press release 16 December 2021

11 billion COVID-19 vaccines produced in 2021 has resulted in the biggest immunization campaign in human history and 2022 will require more and better vaccine redistribution and innovation


The Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers’ Network (DCVMN), and the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA), representing many of the companies behind the historic scale up of manufacturing of vaccines, released independent data that confirms production of COVID-19 vaccines scaled up from zero to 11,2 billion doses in just one year.

Supplies have been distributed unevenly, but countries have started to release surplus doses so that they can be shared. Today, with a surge in doses from the international partnership set up to distribute vaccines to lower-income countries, called COVAX, as well as bilateral arrangements, the focus must now be on reducing the time between arrival of vaccines to vaccinations.

The manufacturing scale up of COVID-19 vaccines that had been developed in record time required building new production lines able to consistently produce millions of doses to the highest quality standards, managing global supply chains for hundreds of components and ingredients, as well as forging over 300 partnerships around the world to increase manufacturing output. Of these deals, 229 include various forms of voluntary collaboration that rely on technology transfer, sharing of know-how about the processes and the technologies used to make the vaccines, as well as training specialist personnel to ensure quality standards.

The 2021 supply of COVID-19 vaccines resulted in half of the world’s population being vaccinated within a year. Independent analysis by Airfinity has shown that, by the end of March 2022, G7 and EU countries are projected to have 1,4 billion surplus vaccines, even when administering boosters.

Dose-sharing is gaining momentum to reach those who have not yet been vaccinated, and COVAX is ramping up fast to ensure doses are distributed equitably around the world. Today, more than 700 million doses have been shipped by COVAX to 144 countries; and nearly 1 billion doses ordered.

COVID-19 vaccine deployment and uptake

Rapid and efficient delivery of COVID-19 vaccines, inclusive of dose-sharing, requires effective and flexible coordination and planning. Attention is urgently needed to focus on concrete measures in recipient countries to support COVID-19 vaccine deployment and uptake:

  • Political prioritization, funding, infrastructure and human resources must be sufficient to deliver vaccines safely, including upscaling cold chain capabilities from airfields to the last mile and increasing health workforce numbers to deliver the vaccines even in areas that are hard to reach, and without compromising routine immunization.
  • Extension of vaccine shelf life, with the increase in dose-sharing and distribution of vaccines, coupled with the challenges related to country absorption, innovation and regulatory oversight is needed so that shelf life is extended, in line with ongoing studies looking at the stability of vaccines, to ensure vaccines are not wasted.
  • Regulatory approval even before doses reach countries, requires the World Health Organization (WHO) and national regulatory authorities to work together to ensure that the vaccines are approved at national level, so that doses can be deployed immediately.
  • Addressing vaccine hesitancy requires collective focus as there continue to be pockets of people that, after 18 months of safety data and over 8 billion doses administered around the planet, remain hesitant towards COVID-19 vaccines.

This past year has demonstrated industry’s ability to be agile and respond to new challenges but has also underlined the importance of pursuing innovation.  While some companies have failed in their endeavours, there is still a strong and thriving pipeline of innovation for adapted and new vaccines.  The current intellectual property framework that supports the innovation eco-system will enable the development of new generations of vaccines that provide longer lasting and stronger protection, and are easier to transport, store, and administer, as well as new treatments to respond to current and new variants.


Thomas Cueni, Director General, International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA):

“Vaccine manufacturers have delivered on their promise of innovation breakthroughs and have ramping up manufacturing output to historic levels. There have been setbacks, not least the unequal distribution of vaccines. Since May, we have been flagging supplies are sufficient to vaccinate all those who need protection and calling for urgent, planned and efficient redistribution of doses. We’re ready to continue innovating in the light of new variants, and to persevere in our efforts to produce more doses, but we call for greater commitment and urgency to remove the barriers which prevent getting vaccine into people’s arms”.

Sai Prasad, Executive Director, Quality Operations, Bharat Biotech, and President, Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers’ Network (DCVMN):

“The complexity of vaccine development and manufacturing cannot be overstated, which is why the production levels we are seeing today merit to be celebrated. As doses leave factories, it is vital that they reach those who need them the most”.

Dr. Michelle McMurry-Heath, President & CEO, Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO):

“Unprecedented levels of collaboration between large and small biotech companies has enabled the breakthrough innovation – in the form of vaccines and therapeutics – we need to fight COVID-19. Our scientists and researchers remain committed to improving public health by discovering new scientific tools to protect us from infectious diseases and to working with global partners to increase health equity around the world”.

For more information:


IFPMA represents the innovative pharmaceutical industry at the international level, engaging in official relations with the United Nations and multilateral organizations. Our vision is to ensure that scientific progress translates into the next generation of medicines and vaccines that deliver a healthier future for people everywhere.

To achieve this, we act as a trusted partner, bringing our members' expertise to champion pharmaceutical innovation, drive policy that supports the research, development, and delivery of health technologies, and create sustainable solutions that advance global health.

Media Contact

Elliot Dunster