World Health Assembly on pandemic influenza preparedness
IFPMA Statement under WHA 63 agenda item 11.1 on Pandemic influenza preparedness: sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other
Delivered by Eduardo Pisani, Director General, IFPMA Check against delivery
Honorable Ministers, Your Excellencies, Madame Director General, Ladies and Gentlemen,
The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) represents the global R&D pharmaceutical industry, whose primary contribution to global health is the development of innovative medicines and vaccines.
The R&D-based pharmaceutical industry supports efforts by the World Health Organization and Member States to resolve the outstanding issues around pandemic influenza virus and benefit sharing. Even though industry is not a direct party to these discussions, it remains willing to help resolve issues relating to its areas of expertise.
The global response to the 2009 / 2010 pandemic is the most comprehensive ever achieved, and demonstrates that international agencies, governments and industry can collaborate to protect populations around the world. This response to the H1N1 influenza pandemic showed that the existing system is effective and flexible, delivering a rapid response with access to pandemic vaccines to meet public health needs around the world.
To support global pandemic preparedness, IFPMA members have worked to develop innovative technologies and to broaden access to vaccines and pharmaceuticals, through commitments to R&D, large scale donations, tiered pricing and investment in local production by individual manufacturers. However, sustaining pandemic capacity requires robust annual demand for seasonal vaccines encouraged by health authorities.
This voluntary collaboration should form the foundations of future preparedness, to ensure they are strong and sustainable and enhance global access to pandemic vaccines.
Geneva, 17 May 2010
IFPMA represents the innovative pharmaceutical industry at the international level, engaging in official relations with the United Nations and multilateral organizations. Our vision is to ensure that scientific progress translates into the next generation of medicines and vaccines that deliver a healthier future for people everywhere.
To achieve this, we act as a trusted partner, bringing our members' expertise to champion pharmaceutical innovation, drive policy that supports the research, development, and delivery of health technologies, and create sustainable solutions that advance global health.Media Contact
Elliot Dunster