Position paper 27 March 2023

No-Fault Compensation (NFC) systems and legislative liability protections for pandemic vaccines

This joint white paper recommends the implementation of well-designed NFC systems coupled with legislative liability protections for pandemic vaccines to ensure both equitable compensation and adequate vaccine coverage in a future pandemic.   

Lessons learned from Covid-19 inform a legal liability framework for pandemic vaccines built to meet the challenges of a future pandemic. NFC systems provide an administrative, non-judicial process for individuals to seek compensation for injuries allegedly linked to vaccines.  During a pandemic, effective NFC systems may be essential to ensure equitable compensation and support rapid and continued vaccine coverage. NFC systems should be coupled with legislative liability protections for entities throughout the supply chain whose ability to efficiently develop, distribute, and administer vaccines may be hindered by excessive litigation.

We call for governments to implement well-designed NFC systems along with liability protections as essential preparation to respond to the next pandemic threat.

